Asbestos claims specialist – No Win No Fee
Asbestos claims specialist Claim Injury Lawyers have a team of specialist dealing with asbestos claim. We can provide you with the legal representation that you require in order to claim compensation for the exposure of asbestos anywhere in the UK.
Please remember that you have to bring an Asbestos claim for compensation within three years of first being diagnosed that you have an asbestos related illness.
You can contact us 24 hours, 7 days a week.
If you have suffered from an asbestos related illness such as Mesothelioma then please call now for more information. Contact us on or use our online claim form to start your No Win No Fee asbestos claim.
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No Win, No Fee Asbestos Claims and Mesothelioma Claims for compensation
You can start your compensation for Asbestos claim if you or your family have an asbestos related illness such as Asbestosis, Mesothelioma, Pleural Plaques or Asbestos induced Lung Cancer as a result of being exposed to Asbestos in the workplace, even if the illness is still at an early stage. You can also claim for compensation if you have an asbestos related illness due to exposure to asbestos or asbestos fibres and not at a workplace. You could have suffered an asbestos related illness due to living close to a factory which used asbestos and the due to the close proximity asbestos fibre were in the air.
Asbestos was used a lot between 1930 to 1970 in many different areas such as the construction industry. Many employers knew about the dangers of Asbestos but did not protect their employees, or there families from the exposure of Asbestos.
If the employer is no longer in business you can still claim for asbestos claim compensation. The claim would be made with the insurance company that provided insurance to the business when it was active. In Many asbestos cases the former company is restored and the compensation is then claimed under the Government’s scheme through the Pneumoconiosis (Workman’s Compensation) Act 1979.